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Three Solo Holidays For Your Inspiration!

For a lot of people, going away on a solo holiday seems scary and it is something they wouldn?t consider when in fact it?s one of the best things you can do. And with many people sharing their solo trips on social media, it?s becoming more popular with less of a stigma attached to it. 

In today?s world, there are so many different types of solo trips that you can go on which are all great fun. You can book a solo cruise, enjoy a solo hiking experience, take on a city solo or enjoy a beach break on your own – it all comes down to what you enjoy doing most in your spare time. Some people love the idea of reading a book and enjoying a cocktail (or two) on the beachfront, whilst others would prefer to be active and hike over 50km on their holiday. 

To help give you some inspiration, we have put together our guide on three solo holidays for you to consider. 

Cruise Holiday 

Over the years cruising has grown in popularity, with more and more people booking onto one as time goes by. Cruise lines are launching new ships yearly, making sure they are modern, and offer the best drinks and food options as well as entertainment.

Many people book cruises as solo travellers as it gives them a base for their holiday and they get to see multiple destinations on one trip. The prices vary depending on the ship you go on and the provider, but just like hotels, you get your more affordable options as well as the more luxury premium offerings. 

Hiking Holiday

A hiking holiday is great for solo travellers. As a solo traveller, you can opt for a self-guided trip, where you can explore and enjoy your hike at your own leisure.

There will be no pressure of you having to keep up with other people! You will explore unique landscapes and see places that can?t be reached by public transport or if you drive yourself. Hiking holidays are affordable and vary in duration and difficulty, helping you find one that is matched to your ability. 

City Break 

You don?t have to be travelling with a partner to enjoy a city break, city breaks are just as fun whether alone or with someone else. You can explore at your own pace, do everything that YOU want to do and travel for as long as you would like. Take a look online to see where it is best priced at the moment and find a city that you haven?t been to so you can tick it off your visited list. Once you?ve been on your first trip away, you will be going on plenty more after you realise a solo trip should be something to be nervous about. 

Where will you be going on your solo holiday? What tips would you suggest to someone going on their first solo breakaway? Did you find the tip above helpful? Let us know in the comment box below. 

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