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The biggest adventure of our lifetime is starting on January

Of all the adventures we have had since we met, nothing can be compared to what is starting in 3 months. We’ve been getting ready for this since we were born. Everything we have done had lead us to this very moment. We’ve been dreaming about this but we were also terrified. We weren’t sure if we are ready for this if we can handle this huge responsibility.

Even though we expected this to happen, we were surprised that our dream will come true so quickly. We were both excited and scared.

We found out in a truly travel style- we were waiting for the flight at the airport. When we saw the news, we were crying, cuddling and we had no idea what will happen next.

Today, after almost half a year since we found out, we are finally ready to share this big information with the world- we are going to have a baby!

biggest adventure
Credit: Photology

Marysia (Mia) is joining our family in 3 months. We both can’t wait to see her little face and to finally hold her in our arms.

pregnancy travel
Credit: Photology

What will happen next?

As some of you might notice, we are traveling less for the last couple of months. Even though both me and Mia are healthy, we decided to settle down for a while and focus on work. Don’t worry though! It won’t be like that forever :).

Hopefully, we will start to travel again in spring/ summer 2018. We really want our daughter to see the world, to get to know new cultures and speak different languages. She will be our first child, so we still don’t know what it will be like to become parents.

Traveling with a little baby may be challenging but we can’t imagine changing our lifestyle permanently. We are sure Mia will have an adventurous soul, just like us. She had 6 international flights so far. It’s really a lot for her short, 6 months life!

Credit: Photology

Even though it’s quieter here and our medios de comunicación social channels recently, it will change soon. We will keep you guys updated – you can be sure we are going back in the game soon after Mia is born!

Credit: Photology
Credit: Photology

We want to thank our incredibly talented friend Jagoda Niziol from Photology for this amazing photoshoot. Together, we’ve managed to catch the last glimpse of summer in Poland.

9 comentarios

  1. Omg! Congratulations you guys! A kid does change things… didn’t manage to travel yet with her except to Romania and back. 5 flights between 4 and 8 months – a small nightmare. Feel free to ask away any questions you might have! Good luck :*

  2. I was looking over some of your posts again. I love all the Tibet stuff. I just wanted to wish you Happy Holidays and Congratulations again on your baby Mia (I love the name!). You’re going to be great parents I just know it. Take care guys Mia will be here soon.

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Somos Karolina, Patryk y Mia, la familia viajera perezosa. Después de pasar 5 años como nómadas digitales y vivir en muchos países del mundo, decidimos hacer de Polonia nuestra base.

Nuestra misión es mostrarte destinos seguros e interesantes donde puedas viajar con tu familia.

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