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Las mejores formas de llegar de Kuala Lumpur a Singapur

The capital of Malasia, Kuala Lumpur and the city-state Singapur are close enough to each other that most travelers decide to visit both cities in one go. There are many ways of getting from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore including: by train, bus, plane, or car.

In this post, we will give you all the information you need to decide how to get to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur and vice versa.

From Singapore To Kuala Lumpur By Train

If you think that taking a train is the fastest way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, you are simply wrong.

There is no direct train between these two cities. From KL, you can travel by train to Gemas, then change for a train to Johor Bahru, and then to Woodlands in Singapore.

It’s a very long route and… it’s also quite expensive.

Taking a train from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore is definitely one of the worst options to travel between these two cities.

From Kuala Lumpur To Singapore By Bus

It’s the option we have always been choosing. Taking a bus from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore is very convenient.

The coaches are usually spacious, you have folding armchairs that you can comfortably sleep on.

It takes about 9 hours to get from KL to Singapore by bus (including border crossing). You will pay about $10 for a one-way ticket.

One thing that you need to remember is to… dress warmly.

I remember when we’ve been traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore a few years ago, and we’ve been wearing t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops. We haven’t been colder in the Arctic Circle than in this southeast Asian bus!

From Kuala Lumpur To Singapore By Car

This option only makes sense if you have your own car. Most car rental companies won’t allow you to take their car abroad.

The trip from KL to Singapore takes about 4 hours.

From Kuala Lumpur To Singapore By Plane

Flying from KL to Singapore is arguably the best way to travel between these two cities.

The flight takes about one hour and it’s relatively cheap. You will pay about $50 one way.

Tips For Traveling From Kuala Lumpur To Singapore

Be Sure You Have A Valid Visa.

The citizens of many countries in the world don’t need a visa when entering Singapore (Poland included).

There are some people that still need a visa to get to Singapore. The full list of countries can be found aquí.

Basically, the citizens of level I countries will need a Singapore e visa, while the citizens of level II countries will need a standard, paper visa.

Make Sure You Are Not Importing Prohibited Goods.

When we’ve been traveling from KL to Singapore, we needed to wait for more than an hour for one passenger. He was kept by the customs officers. It turned out he had too many packages of cigarettes in his bag and didn’t claim it on the border.

The guy was a heavy smoker (I can tell because he’s been smoking every time the bus stopped). He tried to explain that the cigarettes are for personal use only but the officers weren’t convinced. After some time, they finally let him go.

Be sure to check the Singapore customs website before you travel to avoid situations like that when you travel.

Take Your Time.

If you have a plane to catch, make sure you have enough time in case something goes wrong.

Buses and trains are sometimes late. Your car may break. Unexpected situations may happen so be sure you have enough time to get to the airport on time regardless of the circumstances. 

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