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Making Dreams Come True. How To Start Living A Dream Life?

Making Dreams Come True. How To Start Living A Dream Life?

Our life may seem like a “dream one” for many of you. We are traveling the world, making money online, and our relationship is great. We’ve been asked many times: what is our recipe for a happy life? 

To be honest, I still cannot believe that our life is so beautiful. For the first year, we lived in a fear that it will all end. Everyone was telling us that it’s impossible to just travel, live and do whatever we want.

It was very hard for us at the beginning. Our story is not a bed of roses. But there is one thing that kept us happy and strong. It was our Dream. We knew that we were born to be free. Not to be attached to any place or country. We were born to discover new destinations, to taste all cuisines of the world, to learn new languages, to simply explore and do MORE.

It’s a Dream that led us to where we are today.

We spend 24 hours a day together and still love each other. We are best friends, lovers, and business partners.

HOW did we do it? How can YOU start making dreams come true?

1. Focus On Your Goal.

Do you know what you want to do in your life? Can you visualize your dream life?

The very first thing you need to do to start making dreams come true is to find out WHAT do you want. WHERE do you want to go. HOW do you want to spend every single day of your life.

Most people have no idea what they will do in the future. They have no plans and they just let their days go by. They don’t have any dreams or goals. Don’t be like them.

If you want to be successful, you need to know where are you going.

‘If you don’t know where you’re going, you will probably end up somewhere else.’
Laurence J. Peter

Time is passing by so quickly that you can easily believe in an illusion that you still have so much time to start making dreams come true.

IT’S AN ILLUSION! You don’t have time for anything. In fact, you may be dead by tomorrow. If you have dreams, you need to start fulfilling them right now. The world won’t wait for you. You are getting older everyday. NOW is the right time to start living your dream life.

Having fun in Dubai

2. Make a Plan.

If you want to be successful and start making dreams come true, you need to have a good plan. You need to know which way to choose to achieve your goals fast.

It may be sometimes difficult to plan everything on your own. We have an awesome solution to this problem. Every time we feel that we have no idea what to do, we are asking ourselves: ‘what would the person who has already gone through all these struggles, do?’

Self dissociation is very helpful, it’s extremely important to be able to look at your life without any emotions, like a stranger.

‘It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable’.

Traveling around the world

3. Be Persistent. Don’t Give Up.

It’s very easy to find an excuse and simply give up. It may be because of the weather, because of your partner, or because of your sickness. It really doesn’t matter- nothing and no one should stop you from making dreams come true!

It’s going to be difficult. It’s going to be hard. There may be some days that you will be hopeless. You will be looking at all successful people and keep thinking: why am I not one of them?

YOU ARE! All these people were once the beginners who were working hard to fulfill their dreams. They had days just like you have right now. But they didn’t give up and that’s what made them successful.

The world will be testing you. It will be checking if you really want to achieve your goal. You will feel bad but if you will be persistent enough, you will achieve whatever you want.

Think about how awesome it will be to be successful! YOU can do it. EVERYBODY can.

‘You take on the responsibility for making your dream a reality’.
Les Brown

4. Be Ready For a Failure.

Success is never easy. You may think so looking at all the celebrities. You are jealous that they are all beautiful, healthy, and wealthy. But they all worked hard to achieve it. They spent days in the gym and on the castings.

Remember that everything you see is just the little part of the big image. It’s the peak of an iceberg. The most important things are hard to notice. You won’t see the sweaty et depressed star. What you will see will be a sexy and smiling person standing on the red carpet.

There is no one on the top, who hadn’t fail at least a few times. That’s actually the only thing that differs successful people from the losers.

Denis Waitley

Successful people are resistant to failures. And losers gave up every time they didn’t achieve their goals.

Success how it really looks like

5. Be Patient.

Remember that success is not something that will happen overnight. It will take some time to achieve your goal. The bigger your goal is, the more you will have to wait to achieve it.

Don’t give up and keep working hard every day. There is no shortcut. Working, working, working is the only way to succeed.

You never know how close you are to the finish.

Every day that you spend on working on your dream brings you closer to success.

6. Find The People Who Will Support You.

You are not alone in this world. Find the people that will help you make dreams come true. It may be someone you know like your partner or friend but it may be someone new as well.

If there is no one to support you, search for new friends. It is extremely important to be surrounded by people who are similar to you. Who are also successful and supporting.

‘Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you?re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.’
Karl Marx

6. Don’t Be Afraid.

You need to release your fear in order to be successful.

‘Worry is a word that I don’t allow myself to use’.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Worrying is an awful thing that takes away your positive energy and attitude. There will be many things in your life that you may worry about. But why doing so? What it will change?

Remember to focus on solutions, not on worries! There is no point in thinking about your worries and failures. Make a plan and start thinking about Actions you may take in order the change something.

Be focused on the change. Don’t think about the past, think about the future. Visualize your dream life and do everything to make it a reality.

Harriet Tubman

Karolina et Patryk

7. Believe In Yourself Even If Nobody Believes In You.

You CAN do whatever you want in your life. You can achieve anything you dream of.

You really can do it! You are no different than Albert Einstein, Bruce Lee, Angelina Jolie, or Beyonce.

We are all the same and the only difference between you and them is that they were working hard to get what they want.

Believe in yourself. The best thing you can do is to love yourself unconditionally.

The world will change when you stop judging and hating yourself. You are a unique, special person. There is no one like you in the whole world!

‘Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.’
Albert Einstein

Did you know that Albert Einstein, who said the words above, was considered as retarded in school? So does Les Brown, the guy whose quote you can see above.

Micheal’s Jordan high school basketball teacher told him that he will never be a good player.

And as you know, Jennifer Lopez was born in the Bronx and most of the people believed that she has no future.

There are so many success stories out there! Find them and get inspired. Remember that the clue to success is to believe in yourself and work hard every day.

That’s enough. It’s actually enough to get anything you want!


2 réponses

  1. Thank you for inspiring people to manifest their dreams. You are modelling for us an ideal relationship an a dream life. Great tips, my favourites ones are “Believe in yourself”, “Release fears” and “Visualize your dream life and do everything to make it happen”

  2. Actually I appreciate, the truth is, I have been through a lot laying my hands on many things to be a successful man but our system here in Nigeria is something else its so frustrating that sometimes you don’t know where to start from, no steady power supply, no financial support even while you’re still struggling to build the government will come up with very thing that will destroy the one you’re building already, watch and go through Nigeria history, every outside the country is doing greatly well and this is why must of our youth’s now choose to die in desert crossing to overseas than to stay and die just like that.

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Nous sommes Karolina, Patryk et Mia, la famille voyageuse paresseuse. Après avoir passé 5 ans en tant que nomades numériques et vécu dans de nombreux pays du monde, nous avons décidé de faire de la Pologne notre base.

Notre mission est de vous montrer des destinations sûres et intéressantes où vous pouvez voyager avec votre famille.

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