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Biggest Adventure In Our Lifetime Part 2!

Life is tough in pandemic times. We are all locked down at our homes and most news that we hear is negative. That’s why we decided to share with you something good instead.

We wanted to wait a little longer to make it public but then we changed our minds. It seems like now is the right time.

The biggest adventure in our lifetime started in January 2018 and it lasts until today. It’s when Mia was born. Here is the news we want to share with you today: we are going to have a second baby!

New Traveler

Being pregnant for the second time is way different. I know what to expect, I understand what my body is coming through. It’s also amazing to talk with Mia about the baby’s development. Showing her ultrasound photos, explaining to her that her sibling is growing in mommy’s body is a wonderful experience. She is very excited that she will be a big sister.

What we feel like now is pure happiness. Even though people all around are scared because of the uncertain situation in the world, we are calm and contented.

Boy Or Girl?

We are still not 100% sure but it seems that we will have a boy this time!

The sex doesn’t really matter to us, as long as the baby is healthy. It would be great to have another girl but a boy would be amazing as well!

I am currently starting the second trimester of the pregnancy, my due date is in October/November. I hope that the world will be COVID-free until this time.

For now, every doctor’s appointment is difficult because Patryk can’t join me. I don’t feel like giving birth all alone but if it’s the only option, I’ll do it.

Traveling With New Baby

It’s hard to say what the world will look like at the end of this year, so we haven’t planned any travels yet.

All we know from experience is that traveling with an infant is way easier than with a toddler, especially when you are breastfeeding.

We’d like to use this time when our second baby is little to travel the world. We will see whether it will be possible.

Our dream is to see South America, so that’s probably where we will be headed next.

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Somos Karolina, Patryk y Mia, la familia viajera perezosa. Después de pasar 5 años como nómadas digitales y vivir en muchos países del mundo, decidimos hacer de Polonia nuestra base.

Nuestra misión es mostrarte destinos seguros e interesantes donde puedas viajar con tu familia.

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