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How Our Life Has Changed In 2018 ? ? ?

How Our Life Has Changed In 2018 ? ? ?

The beginning of 2018 was the most exciting time of our life. Since the New Year we have been waiting for our daughter to be born. She definitely took her time and didn’t want to come to this world too quickly. Even though our due date was on January, 16th she was born almost 2 weeks later.

Maria’s delivery was long and quite complicated. It ended up with a c-section but thankfully both she and I are fine. Mia is a healthy little girl. She got 10/10 in Apgar score.

Since our baby girl was born, everything has changed. We didn’t have as much time to each other as we did before. Waking up at night, breastfeeding, recovering after the surgery were all I was focusing on.

We couldn’t wait to become parents, we were both excited and scared. Will we know how to take care of this little human being properly? What will we do to calm her down?

I know it sounds funny but the first night I spent with Mia in the hospital was really difficult. I couldn’t sleep because I was checking whether she is breathing or not all the time. When she started crying, I had no idea why. Was she hungry? Should I change her diaper? Maybe she just wants me to hold her?

The infant is communicating only by crying. It took us some time to understand each other. Today, after more than 3 months, we know exactly what she wants. She doesn’t need to know how to speak, we know the meaning of every sounds she makes.

Our life has turned upside down but we have never been happier. We are slowly coming back to ourselves and our old habits.

We took our first journey to Corfu, Grecia last month. Even though we were really afraid to travel with Mia, she turned out to be a born traveler. She loved the flight and didn’t cry at all.

We gained an experience and now we are ready to explore the world with our baby girl! Next month we are going to Madrid, España. Our trip is well-prepared, we have booked Madrid taxi, hotel and organised all the trips. When you travel with a baby, you need to plan everything carefully! We are still not sure where to spend a summer. On September we are taking our first overseas journey. The destination is of course our beloved Tailandia!

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Somos Karolina, Patryk y Mia, la familia viajera perezosa. Después de pasar 5 años como nómadas digitales y vivir en muchos países del mundo, decidimos hacer de Polonia nuestra base.

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